An illustrative poem from the author’s poetry books

By Jon Pen de Ngong

O Dear People of ‘Borusalem’!

This letter comes to you in the morning of a Good Friday. Oh yes, there is a enough reason for this!

This is Easter. However, I am not writing about the Biblical content of religion; I want us to go practical here. That explains why my greetings line did not kick of with ‘Happy Easter’, or is it ‘Easy Easter’? To the Christians in Jerusalem, a ‘Good Friday’ was not such a good day. I would rather it were a ‘Bloody Friday’. As to how the World renamed it ‘Good’ is not the topic of this letter. For that, sorry, but consult with your nearest priest.

O people of Borusalem, I am here to beg you not commit the same ‘crime’ the very ‘Special people of Jerusalem’, the Jews, committed. Yes, Judai ke Pan Bor, heed to this lowly writer! Not that he is worthy of your attention. This mere opinion leader is an outcast, oh yes, one of those who does not stand to speak in your synagogues of Borusalem. But, kindly, read this…

The good people of Jerusalem killed their own saviour because he told them what they did not want to hear. They wanted a Jewish traditional hardliner, not the following:

Judas Iscariot and his other fellow ‘Jesus Iscariots’ (those who thought they knew better how the Messiah was supposed to look and act like, hence joined in killing this Imposter) sold Jesus cheaply on the table of wine. Are you reading what I am reading? Suppose Judas sold Jesus out of drinking stupor…just to get more coins for more glasses of wine…after the last supper (on Thursday) in which only one glass of white wine or red one (the grape-based one) with a loaf of bread was not enough. Yeah, maybe he did not know the grave mistake he was making, save that Jesus, the Messiah, Himself, and the Book of Judaism, had a record of it. So, where is this writer ‘coming prom’?

The good people of Jerusalem cancelled their long-awaited freedom because they wanted it their way; to reflect their own traditions! Others sold their birthright with a single-day meal like Esau (aka: Edom) to his baby brother Jacob, sons of Isaac and Rebekah. Exactly, like that Judas Iscariot for a glass of alcohol or the price thereof (30 silver coins). Is this not what the most prominent one of the ‘Sons of Borusalem’ came to prophesy two millennia later? “Some of you (O saviours of later day nation) shall sell this land, in other words, the liberation dividends, for a bottle of beer!” The late John Garang would be taken for a liar if this was not unfolding in front of our eyes today.

So Why Did The Jews Mess With The Messiah?

To the point, they wanted the Messiah that would not tell them to welcome other people (Gentiles) into their land and cultures. They wanted the One who would come and kill the imperialists (colonialists) in the name of the Romans. Yes, the Government Guy sort of!

The self-righteous people of Jerusalem did not want the saviour who would criticize their officials for pocketing taxes, so they accused him of forgiving the tax collectors (lower cast), instead.

Jesus fell out with the people of Jerusalem because he went against their culture: stopping them from stoning a woman who allegedly had had sex outside marriage, though The Bible is yet to tell us if she was married. The same mob that dropped the stones after they failed Jesus Christ’s test for the right candidate to kill the woman were the same crowd that joined the Roman cavalry and drove Him to the Calvary.

Just for your literary break, see the meaning of Calvary from Britannica, vuz: Golgotha, (Aramaic: “Skull”) also called Calvary, (from Latin calva: “bald head” or “skull”), skull-shaped hill in ancient Jerusalem, the site of Jesus’ crucifixion. It is referred to in all four Gospels (Matthew 27:33, Mark 15:22, Luke 23:33, and John 19:17).

But if you, O people of Borusalem, are part of the population of Judaea by then, would you join Joseph of Arimathea or the hangmen? I know it’s a few hours now for us to go for The Way of the Cross procession. Just like our Christmas massira (march), thousands of the Christians will march this Good Friday, chanting holy vitreol (condemnation) against the merciless ‘Judaai cï Yecu Krïtho piäät abac’: Those Jews who have crucified Jesus Christ just for sport!

While this condemnation against the Jews and their modern-day copycats ( hypocritical persecutors and political prosecutors) is going on in the streets of our modern Jerusalems, the same holier-than-thou zealots have joined Gen. Ajak Ayuen in pushing Ms. Yar Ayuen to the Calvary of ‘Dinka Bor traditions’ (sic)! Yeah, both in the streets as well as on the internet.

O dear folk of Borusalem! Check your recent circular of a hundreds of PhD holders, say, Doctors of Philosophy’. Won’t you discover that half of that crude list contains half of the rude philosophers (for me, ‘pitluethopers’) that want the innocent Yar to be crucified on the altar of culture?

O sons of Borusalem! Which culture? The culture against which Yar’s father, the late Ayuen Mabior, together with the now brigadier-general Ajak Ayuen Mach, picked up the AK-47 rifles to liberate us from? Whose culture? The Islamic Shari’a law that Hassan Al Tourabi and company pushed down our throats in Bor Town and other townships and villages of the South that were predominantly populated with Christians and ‘Afreecans’ (writer’s word for believers of personal religions)? What a blatant unraveling of liberation dividends!

As if that is not even enough, I have seen the most liberated ones, the crème de la crème of the Muonyjang, joining the crucify-her (Yar) choirs, as far as from the ‘Americanada’, Australasia, Europe, and parts of the freer Africa, or East Africa, where this ‘mental typer’ is allowed to do his things. In those houses thousands of kilometres from Bor, wives, daughters and sisters of the Borusalem Sadducees, Pharisees and Scribes are walking out and about with over three quarters of their glittering skins outside these prescribed measurements…just back to our ways of the good old days. If you doubt this, then look around your estate or house this Easter season, what are you seeing and for what reason? I mean what are yours wearing, even to the church? Like Jesus, this mere opinion writer is forced into saying, “Stop it, stupid!”

What is stupid? That double standard of baying for the blood of the sinner who has committed the very crime you and your parents have been committing. Killing Jesus because he eats without washing his hands like the foreigners, or he wants to dilute our culture!

As you approach the conclusive section of this open letter, many readers have been wondering what this writer means by ‘Kiiristians’. If you are one original freedom fighter, like Salva Kiir Mayardit, but have ended up, without knowing by the way, to be worse than that oppressor, there you are! Arming Mayar to deal with Yar for the same tribal sins or political crimes that both are committing. Like allowing an adulterer to participate in the stoning of the adulteress on the streets of Khartoum, now the streets of Bor, Rumbek, Malakal, Yambio, Juba, etc. That is the ‘Kiiristianity’ this crusader is labeling South Sudanese, and some Sudanese, with.

Back to ‘Dr. Jesus Christ’s philosophy’: Whoever has never committed sexual act, including going naked or almost, or lived as a foreigner in a non-Bor land, or has never criticized another over wrongdoing, should regret having read this open letter, which is destined to the folks of Borusalem, those who are making themselves and their land a laughing stock in the 21st century.

Dear sons of Borusalem, and people of the Biblical Cush, as usual, this letter is not ended with a conclusion of this topic but with an inclusion of another. Therefore, should we, in all our settings — be it social, political, economic — continue embracing the East and condemning the West, while physically and/or ideologically living in the very West?

Go figure…!

Young women rounded up and undressed with their dresses thrown into bonfire by Gen. Ajak Ayuen in Bor early in April 2022


This and other similar written mindsets of Jon Pen de Ngong can be followed up on in most of his poetry and essay books out or to be out there soon…